How old do I need to be to buy fireworks?
U.K. law states that no persons younger than the age of 18 can purchase fireworks, however when buying fireworks from one of our retail shops we tolerate a strict challenge 25 policy where we will ask for I.D. if we feel you look younger than this. Please do not take offence to our staff if they do ask you for I.D. this is simply to ensure we are abiding by the U.K. laws.
Can I order online and collect in store?
Yes. You will need to bring a print out of your invoice and some ID.
I have seen fireworks you sell cheaper in another shop, can you price match?
If you find another item we sell cheaper, please let us know and we shall do our best to beat or match the price on top of the already fantastic deal we offer.
When can I set fireworks off?
You are allowed to use fireworks 365 days a year from 7am -11pm however this is extended on the following dates –
- Until midnight on bonfire night (5th November)
- Until 1am on Chinese New Year & Diwali
- Until 1am on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
Please be considerate for neighbours, small children the elderly and animals.
What do I do if one of my fireworks doesn’t work?
In the unlikely case we advise you to leave the failed firework where it is and do not return to it for at least 20 minutes, after doing so take some pictures of the misfire for our reference and then totally submerge in water for a further 24 hours, this can then be disposed of in the rubbish. Please contact us for either a full refund, credit note or a replacement.
What’s the best way to let my fireworks off?
We at chase lane always advise following the manufactures instructions on setting the fireworks off, the safety distances are there for a reason! The staking method is what we use on our professional display’s, simply hit wooden stakes into the ground with a mallet and Gaff tape your fireworks to them, avoid using selotape as this can easily burn off! If you cannot do this or don’t have stakes etc. then you can also place a couple of bricks on either sides of your firework to prevent them toppling over.
Do I need to cancel my display if it’s raining?
Although rain will not affect the performance of the firework once lit, it is essential that you keep your fireworks dry before ignition, if your firing fireworks 1 at a time keep your fireworks indoors and set them off one by one getting a new firework each time.
If you are firing a display and wish to lay your fireworks out beforehand then leave it as late as possible to do so. In this case we always recommend you will need to waterproof them, the easiest method is to use cheap clear bin bags (Not thick black bags!) Placing each firework in a bad and using a zip tie to seal the bag. You can then leave them in the bad when placed outside. When it comes to firing simply light the fuse through the bag or tear a hole an expose it, this is the best way to waterproof your pyro however give yourself adequate time to do this, a glow stick taped next to the fuse is a very good way to locate the fuse when firing.
How long should my display go on for?
The longer or shorter you make a display differentiates how impressive it will be, for example a £300 display lasting 5 minutes is going to be more satisfying than a 30 minute display with the same value, this is because higher quality, more rapid and sky filling fireworks are being fired in a shorter period of time, we recommend a bonfire night display lasting around 12-15 minutes, this way you have both an impressive display and also a great duration.
How should I light my fireworks?
Portfire’s are by far one of the best methods to light your fireworks, these can be purchased instore. They burn with a hot flame which won’t blow out or be put out in the rain. Another method is to use a firing system, this is the safest method of lighting fireworks as with a push of a button you can control your whole display without being over the fireworks.
How should I store my fireworks before the night and what if I have some left over?
Ideally, storing them in a safe and dry place such as a garage away from any damp is the best way out of reach of children. Fireworks don’t go off so if you don’t use them all you can save them for your next display, they must be stored safely!
How do I dispose of fireworks once I have fired them?
Once a firework has fired all that’s left is the cardboard tubes and outer shell, you can either dispose of this in your normal black bins or alternatively burn them outdoors. If your burning them, please ensure you check they have fully fired, failure to do this could result in a very dangerous situation with fireworks coming out of the fire!